Graham Hill Elementary

Graham Hill
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Graham Hill PTA

PTA News

September 2021

The PTA includes ALL our families and teachers.  The Graham Hill Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is dedicated to equity, communication, and advocacy.  Interpretation, translation, and access are prioritized.Our goal is to listen and respond to all the voices in our community to represent and reflect the diversity and brilliance of our school community. 

Share your voice at our first meeting!

Tuesday, September 21st 7PM (on Zoom)

Spanish language interpretation is scheduled!

Join Zoom Meeting 

Please check your email for the Zoom Meeting link!

Interpretation available for PTA meetingsplease contact

Communication and Information

Complete the form below to be added to our email list to receive and send announcements and zoom links. It is free to be a part of the PTA.

Si desea ser parte del grupo de aplicaciones de habla hispana con la miembro de la junta PTA, Claudia Morfin, comuníquese con ella al: 206-852-9837

If you would like to be part of the Spanish Speaking What’s App group with PTA Board Member, Claudia Morfin, please contact her at: 206-852-9837

Leaders Needed

We need a lead to take on the School Wide Snack Program this month (PTA funds are used to purchase crackers and fruit for all students each day). Please email Grahamhillvolunteers@gmail.comto learn more. Thank you to Griffin Street who has been leading this effort for over three years! 

Supplies Needed:

Please donate these items to the school if you can. 

Send them in with your kids or drop them off at the front office.

  • Disposable Kid-sized Masks
  • Lysol and Clorox wipes

Graham Hill Spirit Wear

100% of the funds go to support our PTA events and school needs. Print and send in the attached form  OR  email ghwhalespta@gmail.comPay via the paypal OR send a check to school made to Graham Hill PTA!

Once paid, your order will be fulfilled the following month.

All purchased Spirit Wear will be sent home with children. 

Black Lives Matter, Dia De Los Muertos and Love Makes a Family spirit wear available

2021-22 PTA Meetings

Save the Date!

  • Tuesday, September 21 7PM (on zoom)
  • Tuesday, October 19 7PM (on zoom)
  • Tuesday, November 17 (in-person TBD)
  • Tuesday, January 11 (in-person TBD)
  • Tuesday, February 8 (in-person TBD)
  • Tuesday, March 8 (in-person TBD)
  • Tuesday, April 5 (in-person TBD)
  • Tuesday, May 10 (in-person TBD)
  • Tuesday, June 7 (in-person TBD)