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PTA meeting

April 2, 2025, 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm

Summary : PTA meeting, in-person potluck with Zoom option

Please Join the PTA Meeting to Support Graham Hill!


Come and discuss your priorities for Graham Hill with the PTA Board! We’ll hear from Principal Gardner, address staffing challenges, explore the need for fundraising, share advocacy updates, and highlight ways to get involved.


When: Wednesday, April 2nd from 6:00-7:15

  • Dinner (cheese and veggie pizza) + potluck (if you can):  5:30-6:00

  • Childcare will be provided!


Interpretation Services Available:

  • In-Person Only: Vietnamese, Somali and Amharic

  • Zoom Only: Spanish


Online Option: The meeting will be streamed via Zoom for those who can’t come in-person.

English Link: https://tinyurl.com/GHPTAmeeting

Spanish Link: https://tinyurl.com/GHPTAespagnol

We hope you can come. Questions? Reach out to rebekah@grahamhillpta.com